Everything on the site is on sale as we will be closing this site soon. Music remains
Naturally you can Sing Productions is dedicated to supporting parents and educators in bringing music and song to their young charges. We are fully committed to helping children unlock their individual sounds, to learn to blend their voices with others and feel the nurturing effects of song and music on their small frames, minds, hearts and souls. We believe that if children start singing whilst young, they will sing forever.
Mary Thienes Schünemann - Creator of these wonderful songbooks and CDs, was a committed musician, teacher, mother, and homemaker. As a singer, composer, and music educator, Mary used her love for teaching as a way to bring song and sound into people's lives. She was the musical instructor for Lifeways North America, the president of the Rafael Foundation of New Impulses in Music, and the co-director with Shea Darian of the women's vocal ensemble, Avalon A Cappella. Mary's musical mission led her to found Naturally You Can Sing Productions, designed for people who have a desire to connect or reconnect to the joy of singing and bring this joy into the lives of their children and young charges. Mary passed away in 2007 after a long battle with cancer. She was 47.
Naturally you can Sing is lovingly managed today by Aurora and Allegra's father, Sven Schünemann and Christina Schünemann.
Lura Schwarz-Smith - A graduate of San Francisco State University, Lura has done illustration work for various publications for many years. In addition, her main work is producing art quilts, which have received major awards at national and international quilt shows. Her work may be seen at www.lura-art.com.
Meg O'Dell (Chittenden) - Meg's love of experiencing music and art with children led her to become a Waldorf teacher. Following the birth of her second child, Meg shifted to teaching music at The Bay School and Lifeways North America. She lives in Blue Hill, ME, with her husband Ian and two children. More of her work can be found at www.singwaldorf.org.
"What a delicious way to bond with your child and increase brain power all at the same time!"
- Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist and author of "Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect our Children's Minds."
"Mary's championship of the power in the singing voice will live on. Singing together affirms my belief that unless we all begin to sing together, from within each of our faiths, and from the life-affirming depths of who we really are, we will not be on this planet in one hunded years."
- Pete Seeger, Folk Singer and Peace Activist
"The importance of children hearing the voices of their loved ones in song and verse cannot be overstated. There is just so much fun in these books, you will want to learn all of the songs."
- Marianne Alsop, Lifeways North America board member, California Coast Lifeways Teacher Training
Note: If you are a business that sells our books and would like to be added to this list, please write to us on sing@naturallyyoucansing.com and we will happily put your name down.
Exciting news, friends! Aurora has uploaded several Naturally You Can Sing cd's to CD Baby and they are now available for purchase and digital download! Additional books will also be available on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon music very soon!
Have you seen our newest songbook, Pentatonic Delight? This lovely book is a collection of songs in the pentatonic scale, with a forward by Cynthia Aldinger, Founder of LifeWays North America. Published in 2016.
We will be stocking Meg Chittenden's, "At Home in Harmony", community songbook book in the new few weeks. We are SOO excited! More soon.
Meg Chittenden's book "At Home in Harmony" is now available for purchase!